What We Believe:1. We believe that the Bible as originally given is God’s verbally inspired Word and is totally trustworthy and free from error. We believe in the Scriptures sole sufficiency and final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
2. We believe in the one true and living God in three Persons, the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, co-equal and co-eternal, sovereign and active in creation, providence and redemption. 3. We believe in the essential deity and perfect humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His real and sinless manhood, His sacrificial death on the cross as the only substitute for sinners, His burial, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His priestly intercession for all who come to God through Him. 4. We believe God created mankind in His own image. Through Adam’s disobedience sin entered into the world. As a result every man is born spiritually dead in sin and of himself he can never please God. Therefore all mankind is subject to God’s wrath and condemnation. 5. We believe that rebirth by the Holy Spirit is essential to enable sinners to be reconciled to God and to receive eternal life. After rebirth the believer is sealed, indwelt, sanctified and empowered by the Holy Spirit. 6. We believe that the justification of the sinner is by God’s grace, through faith alone, in the atoning merits of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 7. We believe in the eternal security of the believer. 8. We believe in the personality of the devil; his evil activity and final doom. 9. We believe in the local gathered Church as a company of baptised believers under the headship of Christ for worship, fellowship, and instruction. We believe that God has commissioned the Church to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ at home and abroad, by all means consistent with the nature of the Gospel, and that God commands all men to repent and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. 10. We believe in believers baptism as commanded by the New Testament, signifying the believers cleansing, death and resurrection with Christ. This is fully symbolised as the believer is baptised by immersion. 11. We believe in observing on the first day of the week the Lord’s Supper as instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ, and that such observance is by those believers who, from the work of grace in their hearts, show forth fruits of righteousness. 12. We believe in the offices of elder and deacon, the gifts of evangelists and pastor - teacher, the priesthood of all believers and their unity in the Body of Christ; the separation of Church and State. 13. We believe in the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the body, the day of judgement, the eternal blessedness of the redeemed and the conscious eternal punishment in hell of all those who die unregenerate. 14. We believe in the responsibility of all believers to obey and serve the Lord and to live self controlled, upright and godly lives. The duty of each local Church to exercise godly discipline in a loving and caring fashion. |
Our Goal:We have a dream of a church which is a biblical church; a church loyal to the revelation of God in Scripture, whose pastor expounds Scripture with integrity and relevance, and so seek to present every member mature in Christ, whose people love God, and adorn themselves with an obedient and Christ‐like life, which is preserved from all unbiblical emphases, whose whole life manifests the health and beauty of biblical balance.
We have a dream of a church which is a worshipping church whose people come together to meet God and worship him, who know God is always in their midst and who bow down before him in great humility, who regularly frequent the table of the Lord Jesus, to celebrate his mighty act of redemption on the cross, who enrich the worship with their musical skills, who believe in prayer and lay hold of God in prayer, whose worship is expressed not in Sunday services and prayer gatherings only but also in their homes, their weekday work and the common things of life. We have a dream of a church which is a caring church whose congregation is drawn from many races, nations, ages and social backgrounds, and exhibits the unity and diversity of the family of God, whose fellowship is warm and welcoming, and never marred by anger, selfishness, jealousy or pride, whose members love one another with a pure heart fervently, forbearing one another, forgiving one another, and bearing one another’s burdens, which offers friendship to the lonely, support to the weak, and acceptance to those who are despised and rejected by society. Whose love spills over to the world outside, attractive, infectious, irresistible, the love of God himself. We have a dream of a church which is a serving church which has seen Christ as the Servant and has heard his call to be a servant too, which is delivered from self‐interest, turned inside out, and giving itself selflessly to the service of others, whose members obey Christ’s command to live in the world, to permeate secular society, to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, whose people share the good news of Jesus simply, naturally and enthusiastically with their friends, which diligently serves its own community, residents and workers, families and single people, nationals and immigrants, old folk and little children, which is the alert to the changing needs of society , sensitive and flexible enough to keep adapting its programme to serve more usefully, which has a global vision and is constantly challenging its young & old people to give their lives in service, and constantly sending its people out to serve. We have a dream of a church which is an expectant church whose members can never settle down in material affluence or comfort, because they remember that they are strangers and pilgrims on earth, which is all the more faithful and active because it is waiting and looking for its Lord to return, which keeps the flame of the Christian hope burning brightly in a dark, despairing world, which on the day of Christ will not shrink from him in shame , but rise up joyfully to greet him. |